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Our video production
will help you succeed

We are flexible, understand our client’s needs and offer them the best solutions for a reasonable price.

Looking for a reliable partner to create your video?

  • We are VideoAnimace and our goal is to produce videos that bring maximum benefit to our clients.
  • In a short time, we can attract the attention of your customers and give them the important information needed.
  • We help our clients with video marketing and setting up the advertising campaigns.
  • Our production includes all production activities, pre-production, script design, production, filming, 3D or 2D animation creation, post-production and audio mastering.

Video affects people’s behavior, promotes sales and reach your business partners. Our video production is aimed at your target, together we will prepare a script that will engage the viewer and get him interested in learning more about your products.



What is our video production process?

  1. Describe in a few points the key things you want to tell the viewer. Add an inspirational video link.
  2. We analyze your assignment, create a calculation, agree on cooperation and start working on the script.
  3. Once you have approved the script, we will create the graphics or arrange the video production.
  4. The next step is the post-production of the video and audio. We will send you a demo and possibly adjust the video according to your requirements.
  5. Our video marketing specialist will make sure your video is used to its full potential. We will create an advertising campaign, set everything to soc. networks and immediately evaluate the success of campaigns. This service needs to be ordered extra.

See what our trusted clients think of us

Marcela Rytířová

Manager Marketing Savills

Excellent cooperation, prompt response to any queries and professional approach. Recommendations and suggestions based on experience to help the client achieve the expected final result. Appreciate this cooperation very much.

Antonín Kozan

Company director
Alpiro s.r.o.

Při prohlídce referencí z tvorby animovaných video spotů bylo jasné, že už dál hledat nemusíme. Spolupráce probíhala hladce, a to i přesto že jednání muselo probíhat na dálku. Od odeslání poptávky až po realizaci a dodání hotového videa. Během prací jsme měli k dispozici aktuální scénář, mohli jsme si vybrat dabéra, jehož hlas nám nejvíce vyhovoval. Od začátku jsme věděli, jak bude animace z grafické stránky vypadat a co máme očekávat. Po zhlédnutí hotového videa navíc nebylo moc co upravovat. Prostě výborná práce, která předčila naše očekávání. Spolupráce nás velice těšila a děkujeme, nadále v ní plánujeme pokračovat.

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